- Established Doctors
- Employed Doctors
35 entries found | Filter: Languages - Greek
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Dr. Christian Barbunopulos
Schloßhofer Straße 4/Stg.7/11, 1210 Wien
+43 1 270 65 30
open again at Feb 17, 2025: 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Ordination: Orthopaedics and orthopaedic surgery ( No Insurances)
Billrothstraße 14/1, 1190 Wien
+43 664 735 15 755
open again at Feb 17, 2025: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Dr. Victor Boulgaropoulos
Dommayergasse 2, 1130 Wien
+43 1 877 80 60
Dr. Alexandra Diamantopoulos-Kaltenbrunner
Malborghetgasse 31/1/1, 1100 Wien
+43 1 602 23 45
open again at Feb 17, 2025: 2:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Dr. Sabina Andrea Fudulakos
Turnus-/Wohnsitzärzt*inDr. Camelia-Vasilica Gagea
Strindberggasse 2/6/3, 1110 Wien
+43 1 749 22 41
open again at Feb 17, 2025: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Dr. Doris Grablowitz
Seilerstätte 7/III.Etage, 1010 Wien
+43 1 512 91 92 512 90 92
currently open: 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Ordination: General practitioner ( No Insurances)
Seilerstätte 7/III.Etage, 1010 Wien
+43 1 512 91 92
Dr. Elli Katherina Greisenegger
Trattnerhof 2, 1010 Wien
+43 1 236 30 20
open again at Feb 17, 2025: 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
Dr. Manuela Hanke
Mariahilfer Straße 114/2/2, 1070 Wien
+43 1 361 99 39
Dr. Irmgard Herkner
Ruckergasse 30-32, 1120 Wien
+43 1 890 89 92
open again at Feb 17, 2025: 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Dr. Rebekka Jung
Leo-Slezak-Gasse 14/6, 1180 Wien
+43 1 406 05 17
Dr. Vlasios Kappos MSc
Wimbergergasse 13/25, 1070 Wien
+43 650 62 12 032
Ordination: Psychiatry ( No Insurances)
Pülslgasse 19/9, 1230 Wien
+43 650 621 20 32
Ordination: Psychiatry and psychotherapeutic medicine ( No Insurances)
Pülslgasse 19/9, 1230 Wien
+43 650 621 20 32
Ordination: Child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapeutic medicine ( No Insurances)
Pülslgasse 19/9, 1230 Wien
+43 650 621 20 32
Ordination: Child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapeutic medicine ( No Insurances)
Wimbergergasse 13/25, 1070 Wien
+43 650 621 20 32
Dr. Gisela Kenda
Gerasdorfer Straße 139, 1210 Wien
+43 1 332 15 50
open again at Feb 17, 2025: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Dr. Christoforos Konnaris
Rooseveltplatz 13/9, 1090 Wien
+43 664 120 36 87
open again at Feb 17, 2025: 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Ordination: Occupational medicine ( No Insurances)
Rooseveltplatz 13/9, 1090 Wien
+43 664 120 36 87
open again at Feb 17, 2025: 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Dr. Anastasios Konstantinidis MSc
Singerstraße 4/10, 1010 Wien
+43 1 974 30 42